All photos have been shot with a iPhone

Friday, May 13, 2011

Patterns 5.12.11

My Explorers 5.11.11

New keys 5.10.11

Stairs 5.9.11

Fruita 5.8.11

Fruita 5.7.11

Fruita 5.6.11

Its true 5.5.11


Hulsey 5.3.11

Working from home 5.2.11

May Day 5.1.11

Home 4.30.11

6am 4.29.11

Work 4.28.11


The Day 4.26.11

Employee Day at Breck 4.25.11

Vail Closing Day 4.24.11



Rita's 4.21.11

Erics with Rafe 4.20.11

Mail 4.19.11

Bus station 4.18.11


Night at the Brown 4.16.11

PBR 4.15.11

Chad Gustav Bratt 4.14.11

Expensive cars and the Zoo 4.13.11

Beer 4.12.11

Riding to Work 4.11.11

EddieMac and Jelly 4.10.11

Arcade Fire 4.9.11

Me 4.8.11

DOW 4.7.11

Spring Riding and my days end 4.6.11